The following sports have had winners in our history, however have only been awarded on a few occasions or are no longer regularly considered under the Ottawa Sports Awards mandate for annual recognition.
1989 Lynne Lemieux
1996 Johanna De Jager
1997 Johanna De Jager
1998 Ron Pierre
2019 Karine Shrum
2021 Pierre Cleroux
1976 Duke Astra, Robert Dupuis
1977 Duke Astra
1982 Robert Dupuis
1983 Steve Earl
1976 Duke Astra, Robert Dupuis
1977 Duke Astra
1982 Robert Dupuis
1983 Steve Earl
1995 Bill Gatchll
1980 Tony Beck
1990 Troy Libbus
1991 Troy Libbus
1993 Eric Boudreault
1994 Mario Cleroux
1997 Mario Cleroux
1976 Dun Lurtz
1979 Lee Racicot
1965 Dennis Quirk, Don Hackner
1973 Doug Woods, Walter Boyce
1974 Walter Boyce, Doug Woods
1975 Mark Kielty
1976 Bob Armstrong
1978 Bob Armstrong
1979 Bob Armstrong
1983 Al Johnson
1984 Noel Price
1980 Rudy Mikowetz
1983 Larry Greene
1985 Larry Greene
1987 Larry Green
1988 Guy Desjardins
1989 Guy Desjardins
1990 Sue McTaggart
1991 Lori Johnstone
1993 Daniel Denis
1979 Rudy Mikowetz
1995 Gary Shaw
1996 David Fisher
1997 Guy Lapierre
2000 Daniel Denis
1987 Tanya Hoy
1975 Julien St. Denis
1983 Erwin Budge
1985 Ervin Budge, Rill Olson, Ken Shea
1986 Steve Bourada
1987 Ervin Budge
1988 Andre Goyette
1990 Giorgio Giaccone
1991 Giorgio Giaccone
1992 Kirk Cloutier
1993 Kirk Cloutier
1994 Kirk Cloutier
1963 Yvette Whissell
1965 Peter Werthner
1989 Barbara McLeod
1990 Andy Jones
1991 Andy Jones
1992 Andy Jones
1993 Michel Caruea
1994 Andy Jones
1996 Michel Careau
2000 Wally Herman